Watershed Ecology Field School
Mon, Jul 19
|Schoharie River Center
Outdoor Environmental Research with Hiking, Cycling, and Boating
Time & Location
Jul 19, 2021, 9:00 AM – Jul 24, 2021, 4:00 PM
Schoharie River Center, 2025 Burtonville Rd, Esperance, NY 12066, USA
About the Event
Watershed Ecology Field school focus on getting outdoors and learning how to understand and assess local water quality through conducting hands—on field assessment of water in local streams in the Schoharie watershed. All ecology field schools will be located at the Schoharie River Center and Nature Preserve in Burtonville, N.Y. . We will assess water quality, water chemistry and conduct macro-invertebrate analysis in the  eld. Our pro- grams integrate the study of forest ecology, watershed ecology, wildlife, and invasive species monitoring, nature photography and videography. Programs use hiking, cycling, and boating to get to various study sites throughout each week
long Field School.
Five-day (M—F), out-door based,  Field school programs for youth ages 12—17 yrs. Led by experienced field Biologists, Archeologists, and Video & Media Arts Instructors. The programs run generally from 9 am—4 pm at selected loca ons in Middleburgh and Esperance (Burtonville). Enrollment is limited to no more 10 youth per week. Cost: $250.00 / per person for the week. Mul ple family member discounts and scholarships may be available.
Watershed Ecology Field School
Cost: $250.00 / per person for the week. Multiple family member discounts and scholarships may be available
$250.00Sale ended